The July Mexico Mission trip of 2019 was awesome! Our team of 19 reached over 1100 people inside churches, but also about 100 on the streets. We did 8 VBS’s every day and worked with 14 churches in 5 days. We saw God heal over 30 people
Got to teach very traditional Baptist pastors about healing and the prophetic
Delivered 7 people from the demonic... By far, this trip was the most we have ever been able to do. It was amazing to watch God move through, and in, His people. And Holy Spirit manifested, visiting some places in a way they had never experienced. One pastor stopped VBS because the Presence was so thick that every person over 15 was crying (including my whole team) and the children were wondering why? So he stopped everything and began teaching them, from his only past experience he had (which was his ordination service) to say, "What you all feel is something I have prayed for, for 20 years: The presence of Holy Spirit. This is the presence of God. Receive it." We saw God answering their prayers for an encounter with Holy Spirit, His Presence. Now I am in the beginning stages of organizing a Pastor's Conference there so that they can be exposed to more!! And so that they can be equipped and activated to do more and experience more. We have been travelling to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico to reach the Mayan people since 2017. We basically provide VBS for the nearby villages, reaching as many people as possible in a 1-week period, as well as preaching every night in as many churches as we can. We have teamed with other churches in Texas to reach more of the Mayan people. God is moving in a mighty way. **UPDATE on the Pastor's Conference: In February 2020, we had a special Pastor's Conference where we trained them in Bible understanding and Full Gospel training. Many Mayans saw their 1st miracle from their own prayers (they have seen many miracles through us praying, but hadn't understood how to pray themselves). Pastor Jeff took a small team of 6, consisting of 2 other pastors and translators, to teach what we call "Power Evangelism." We believe the pastors have a fresh understanding of the Word of God, a new excitement in Faith, and a zeal to partner with Holy Spirit like never before. It was an amazing week!